Refund Policy
How to return an order and get a refund?
To return an order and obtain a refund, follow these steps:
- Contact us within 7 days of receiving your order. Provide your order number and attach photos of the items you wish to return. Send your request by email to: .
- We will review and process your request within 7 business days. Once approved, return the items in their original, undamaged packaging.
- Please ensure that items are not used, worn or washed. We will not accept items that are worn, stained, damaged or altered.
- Include your bank details to receive the refund. The refund will be credited to the original account in the currency used for the purchase.
- Please note that you are responsible for return shipping costs, as we do not provide a shipping collection service.
What items cannot be returned?
- Deliberately damaged items
- Items returned more than 7 days after receipt
- Items delayed due to incorrect phone numbers or address information